AssiduousAdjectiveShowing immense care and perseverance
BalkVerbTo be hesitant in accepting an idea/opinion
BroachVerbRaise a subject/topic for discussion
CausalityNounThe relationship between cause and effect
DrawlVerbSpeak in a slow and long-drawn manner
EnnuiNounA feeling of dissatisfaction due to lack of activity
ExultantAdjectiveExtremely happy
IgnominyNounPublic shame/disgrace
KafkaesqueAdjectivePertaining to what’s nightmarish and oppressive
LanguidAdjectiveDisinterest in physical exertion and activity
MoribundAdjectiveNear death
OssifyVerbMake rigid / turn into bone
PellucidAdjectiveTranslucently clear / Easily understood
PrivyAdjectiveSharing in the knowledge of
PrometheanAdjectiveHighly distinguished and important in a field
RemonstrateVerbMake a forceful protest
ReprovinglyAdjectiveExpressive of strong disapproval
SkiveVerbLeave work early in avoidance
TripartiteAdjectiveInvolving three parts
UpendVerbTurn something over upside-down
WeatherVerbWithstand duress
ImmanentAdjectiveExisting within
MoonstruckAdjectiveUnable to think or act normally (when in love)
AphorismNounA terse and pithy statement that conveys a general truth
PithyAdjectiveThat which has a lot of ‘pith’, or is highly meaningful and terse
SeedyAdjectiveDisreputable and corrupt / Shabby
VirulentlyAdjectiveBitterly hostile and reproving