Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is a protein that encodes the BDNF gene. It is also called abrineurin

BDNF is a highly important protein because it is chiefly responsible for neurogenesis or the creation of new neurons. It is the main growth factor in the central nervous system (CNS) and apart from neurogenesis, is also key for Neuroplasticity

As BDNF is active in the Hippocampus, it is also a direct factor that influences long-term memory. Its prevalence in the cortex dictates long-term memory as well. BDNF is also expressed in many other body organs and secretions such as the kidneys, retina, and saliva

Depression is believed to be associated with low BDNF levels. This may be why exercise is scientifically proven to be powerful in treating anxiety and depression, as BDNF’s amount increases 3x during exercise