Multirotor UAVs

  • Simple control system
  • For smaller aircraft
  • For VTOL and hovering applications
  • For safety using redundancy
Four rotorsSix rotorsEight rotors
Larger than quads
More expensive than quads
Greater payload capacity than quads
Higher altitude
Faster flight
Less agility and maneuverability

Fixed Wing

Flying Wing, Blended Wing Body

  • For conventional forward flight - low drag and stealth

  • For heavy payloads

  • Most drones today operate in “Visual Line of Sight (LoS)“. Engineers and researchers are working on developing BVLoS drones

    • NASA and FAA are participating in this effort. They are focusing on public safety drones like accident scene reconstruction drones, search-and-rescue drones
      • Part of NASA’s ATM-X project
    • One challenge is how to ensure public safety drones get priority of operation over commercial drones in the same airspace?