Mindset is a lens we apply to selectively filter and organize everything we perceive
- What have I been told I am good at?
- What have I been told I am poor at?
- What am I good at and why?
- Did I put in effort at them? Or was it natural?
- What am I bat at and why?
- Despite your best efforts or did you not do much anyways?
- How is your label/identity attached to all this?
- What is your typical narrative when you’re doing something you’re good at and bad at?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9686450/ Effort feedback > Intelligence feedback (be careful about giving feedback to a child that is attached to their identity)
ERP - Event Related Potential
People who received negative feedback reported a stronger P3 ERP wave when they harboured a fixed mindset whereas those with the growth mindset reported weaker P3 ERP waves
P3 ← Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) in brain Interoception (emotional) correlation in bottom part Top part correlates to cognitive appraisal
Stress-is-enhancing mindset