What is the research objective?

Multiple autonomous underwater vehicles for area inspection using ML with advanced data fusion. This is part of WASP and SMaRC 2.0 resources will be used. The supervisor of this project is Dr. John Folkesson

Why am I interested in this position?

I am interested in this Doctoral student position and project on underwater robotics as my background is in robotics and autonomous systems. As someone with a multidisciplinary background, I am seeking for projects that involve several fields together. The involvement of Sensor Fusion and ML for developing perception algorithms for AUVs is quite cross-disciplinary in nature, which I am seeking. Moreover, this project will give me experience in the various applications of maritime robotics.

How can I contribute?

  • I can contribute my interdisciplinary knowledge in robotics and instruments to help develop sensors for AUVs and signal processing and cleaning methods to extract meaning from the data
  • I can support the development of path planning algorithms for navigation of AUVs in murkywater conditions where vision is limited
  • I can contribute to developing live 3D maps of the AUV trajectories to help optimize collision avoidance between the robots, collect data, and improve search and exploration