• Quantum circuits are models of quantum computations
    • Wires represent information transfer (qubits)
      • Double lines represent classical information
    • Gates represent operations (unitary operations and measurements)
  • In this context, circuits are depicted acyclically (left-to-right information flow)
  • Quantum operations are denoted in reverse order
  • For convention, ordering qubits from bottom-to-top is equivalent to ordering qubits from left-to-right
  • When we have standard basis inputs, each column of the matrix (the product of all unitary operations in a circuit) represents an output given a standard basis combination
  • Arbitrary unitary operations can be viewed as gates
    • A single operation on multiple qubits can be represented as a large rectangle

Inner Products

  • A ket is a columnvector and a bra is a row vector
    • A bra associated with a ket is the ket’s conjugate transpose
  • The inner product is a complex scalar
  • Geometrically, the inner product of two unit vectors with real entries is the cosine of the angle between them if inner product is zero, the vectors are orthogonal
  • Properties of inner products
    • The square root of the inner product of a vector with itself is the Euclidean norm
    • Inner products exhibit conjugate symmetry (swapping the vectors conjugates the inner product)
    • Linearity in the second argument
    • Conjugate linearity in the first argument
    • Inner products exhibit the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

Orthogonality and Orthonormality

  • Two vectors are orthogonal if their inner product is zero
  • An orthogonal set is the set of all vectors where any pair of them is orthogonal
  • An orthonormal set is an orthogonal set whose members are all unit vectors
    • Orthonormal sets are always linearly independent
    • If m < n (m is the number of vectors in the set, and n n-dimensional space from which the vectors are drawn), we can add more vectors to the set to make the entire set an orthonormal basis from m+1 to n
    • The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process can be used for this
  • An orthonormal basis is an orthonormal set that forms the basis of a space
    • is the orthonormal basis for the 2D space corresponding to a single qubit
    • The Bell basis is the orthonormal basis for the 4D space corresponding to two qubits
  • The following three conditions are equivalent w.r.t unitary matrices
    • A unitary matrix U is when the product of itself and its conjugate transpose results in the identity matrix
    • The rows of U form an orthonormal basis
    • The columns of U form an orthonormal basis


A set of statements are equivalent if all of them are either true or false together


  • A square matrix is a projection if
    • is hermitian ()
    • =
  • Intuitively, a projection operation on a vector leaves behind one component of that vector while zeroing out the rest
    • Applying the projection on a vector on which a projection was already applied doesn’t do anything because the other components are already removed. This is mathematically represented as
  • A projective measurement is a collection of projections whose net sum is the identity matrix
  • When a measurement is performed
    • Pr(outcome is k) = |||| The outcome k is chosen randomly
    • The state of the system being measured is
  • Standard basis measurements are projective measurements
  • Projective measurements can be implemented in quantum circuits using unitary matrices and standard basis measurements

Limitations on Quantum Information

  • Irrelevance of global phases
    • Two quantum states vectors differ by a global phase when one of them = the other multiplied by a complex number
      • The absolute value of the complex number is 1
      • The probabilites of measuring an outcome a will be the same with both vectors. Same for projective measurements
    • The two vectors that differ by a global phase are completely indistinguishable and are equivalent
    • Vectors that do not differ by a global phase are
      • Linearly dependent
      • Have a relative phase difference
      • Can be perfectly distinguishable
  • No-cloning theorem
    • It is impossible to create a perfect copy of an unknown quantum state
    • For any quantum state , there is no unitary operation that can clone a quantum state. U on the state tensored with zero will not give psi tensored with psi
    • The transformation is non-linear but unitary operations are linear. This proves the no-cloning theorem
    • Approximate copies can be done
    • Copying a standard basis state is possible and the no-cloning theorem doesn’t contradict it
    • Cloning a probabilistic state (classically) is also impossible
  • Discriminating non-orthogonal states
    • It isn’t possible to perfectly discriminate two non-orthogonal quantum states
      • If they can be perfectly distinguishable, they have to be orthogonal