Genetic Algorithm

A genetic algorithm (GA) is a stochastic global optimization algorithm that is inspired from natural selection. It is also a metaheuristic

  • Fitter individuals pass on their genes to the next generation directly. This is called elitism and is used to preserve good solutions
  • A chromosome is a possible solution candidate. Genes are elements in a chromosome
  • One iteration in the algorithm = one evolutionary generation

The algorithms uses the following analogies

Genetic representationBitstrings
FitnessFunction evaluations
SelectionChoosing strings from the population
Genetic recombinationCrossover of bitstrings
MutationBit flipping
Genetic recombination is when the chosen parents “combine” their genes to pass them on to children
  • This is probabilistic - There is some chance that the parent’s genes are copied over to the child
  • In other cases, crossover methods are used such as one-point crossover
  • Hyperparameter used: Some large value (80% - 90%)

Mutation hyperparameter (rate): 1/L (L = Bitstring length)

  • Mutation introduces genetic diversity and allows the algorithm to explore new areas of the solution space
flowchart TD
	A["Create population of fixed bitstrings"]
	B["Evaluation using objective (fitness) function"]
	C["Parents are chosen based on fitness from k random bitstrings"]
	D["Recombination using crossover methods"]
	E["Mutation in children"]
	A --> B --> C --> D --> E

Use encoding to present the solution spacea in a manner that the GA can process