Subliminal Perception

A person’s response to external stimuli that are either too weak to be consciously noticed or severely occluded by other entities

Subliminal perception only facilitates shallow and procedural information processing. For example, when you are presented a ball only for a split second, there is not much information you can perceive in a time duration that short. Thus, you may not be able to do much with the limited perceptual information you just got

The two thresholds for measuring subliminal perception are Subjective Threshold and Objective Threshold

During research of subliminal perception, direct effects are measures of responses noted due to instructed task stimuli. For example, when a person is told that they’ll be tested on how accurate their guess is when asked to guess the colour of an object, that’s a direct effect Indirect effects are response measures noted due to uninstructed task stimuli. Using the same example as above, an indirect effect can be how fast the person guessed a colour. That isn’t what the person is aware of that they’re being tested on

If the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect, that indicates the existence of unconscious cognition
